
The department of Botany is multidisciplinary Department Established in 2014 ,Committed to the development of academic excellence in teaching. We offer a two years Bachelor of Science degree. The department is highly motivated an excited to share both their knowledge and passion in the field of Botany . Botany is the scientific study of plants.


  • We focus on the patterns and processes that enable predictive understanding of plants and their environments at local, regional, and global scales, leading to strengths in the areas of ecology, evolution, and systematics.


  • To conduct innovative research, teaching and outreach on the patterns and processes of life with a focus on plants and their environments.


  Sr. No Name of the Teacher Designation Qualification 
01Shaikh Naziya RafeequeH. O. D M. Sc., B. Ed
02Tasneem Kausar Mohammad ShabanAssist Prof.  M. Sc., B. Ed